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29/04/99 01:35 PM
IMPORTANT!! UPDATED April 29 , 1999. Hey everyone! I just got a chatroom so everyone go there and talk with other Police Quest fans! I might be in there sometimes too!In order to download the TURBO, Pentagram and Lytton Map you need to get a program called: Winzip and you can get it FREE and www.winzip.com . I hope this helps anyone who couldn't download it! Also, PLEASE click on the banner at the top of this page, I might be getting the Internet taken away cuz I have to pay half and I don't have much money for it so if you just click once when you are done here, I can get some money and stay online. The Message Board is a huge success so PLEASE go and help people out who need it. Also, I rarely have time to reply to emails so instead of emailing me, just put it on the Message Board then other people will be able to help you. Well thats about all the writing I have left and PLEASE PLEASE vote for this site so I can get more visitors. Thanks. PS- go to bottom of page for walkthroughs and other downloadable goodies.... ............. ............. .............
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HomerBond's Police Quest Chatroom
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Welcome to my Police Quest Page. If you are here, you are probably a Police Quest fan so please enjoy my site. On this oage you will find links to the rest of my page, including Walkthroughs for all the games and helpful maps and programs to help you enjoy the PQ games.. As far as I know, nothing on this site is under copyright, however, if you find something that IS copyrighted, please tell me and I will remove it immediatly.
Police Quest 1: The small town of Lytton has a big problem. A gang who's leader calls himself "the Death Angel" is terrorising the town. You are Sonny Bonds, street cop extrodinaire and you must find this "Death Angel" and stop him for good.
Police Quest 2: Lytton has now grown into a small city, and Homicide detective Sonny Bonds is called to the case when Jessie Bains escapes from jail. Explore Lytton all over again and bring "the Death Angel" to justice.
Police Quest 3: Your wife has been stabbed almost to death outside her work, and it is up to you to find the killers. Use every tactic you know. This game comes with a completely differant interface, no more typing, just point and click.
Police Quest 4: It is up to you to solve a string of seemingly unrelated murders and catch the murderer. Use you street smarts as you deal with gangs in South Central L.A. and have the ol' Magnum ready for action.
Police Quest SWAT: Start out as a lowly SWAT PUP and work your way up to Element Leader. Keep you cool and always think before you act in this all FMV action smash.
** TURBO is a program that allows you to slow down the speed of your CPU for however long you want. It is great if you compter is too fast to play some PQ games. It is espesially good for PQ3 for those od you who can't drive your car because it drives too fast. The Map of Lytton is a map I made of Lytton for PQ3. and the Pentagon is a screenshot of what the Pentagon should look in PQ3. In order to see the PQ3 Pentagram and the Lytton map you must have Winzip to unzip them, you can get this program FREE at www.winzip.com !
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